Here are links to projects I am currently working on which cross my interests in media literacy, film/media history/theory, feminism, and social justice questions.  The digital era is an exciting one that promises a democracy of tools for storytelling, history, and social engagement.  

Feminism 3.0 is my umbrella term  to cover the two collaborative sites I organize Praxis and New Research on Media Art History and Theory as well as sites for live blogs and podcasts.

Transmedia Activism co-authored with Lina Srivastava is a resource site for cross-media strategies for social change

Reclaiming the Archive: Feminism and Film History is a collection of essays by international scholars that examines a range of issues (reception, authorship, stars, postfeminism, digital interventions) circulating around gender and film history.    Wayne State University Press  published the book in Spring 2010.   The site has info on the book as well as links to podcasts with contributors.

The image immediately below is of my favorite muse, Mabel Normand, the great silent star and director.  

vicki callahan